Holme Bird Observatory (Header)

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Sunday 13th November 2016

A beautiful day with light northerly winds. There was no further sign of the Long-tailed Duck on the Broadwater, but a Short-eared Owl was hunting on the NWT reserve, 2 Bearded Tits were in the reeds near the Obs, 2 Cetti's Warblers were noted, a female Blackcap was in the scrub, over 800 Starlings including the 'white one' were out on the marshes for most of the day, 250+ Fieldfares passed over west, and 2 Stonechats were along Thornham Bank.

A Peacock butterfly, Silver Y moth and a Common Darter were all on the wing in the sunshine.

Norfolk News from Birdnet
Norfolk Todd's Canada Goose between docking field & Burnham Market at 14:45 + 3500 Pink-footed Goose TF823408
Norfolk Great White Egret Holkham Freshmarsh briefly at 13:00 NR23 1RN TF888439
Norfolk 3 Cattle Egret Burgh Castle off Back Lane in horse field by track at 15:27 TG476049 Norfolk 3 Cattle Egret Breydon Water at 14:00 at South Wall marshes SW/of pumphouse NR31 9QB TG464048
Norfolk 2 Little Auk flew past Cley NWT between 10:00 & 12:30 + Black-throated Diver & 8 Snow Bunting NR25 7SA TG049441
Norfolk Shorelark flew E/over Burnham Overy + 2 Twite & 2 Water Pipit PE31 8JJ TF853449 Norfolk Great Grey Shrike Grime's Graves this mrng + 10 Hawfinch TL815900
Norfolk 3 Cattle Egret Breydon Water by metal hut on track to South Wall pumphouse NR31 9QB TG464048 Norfolk Great White Egret Grime's Graves this mrng + 10 Hawfinch TL815900
Norfolk 35 Shorelark Holkham Bay at 12:17 NR23 1RJ TF892458
Norfolk No Sign of Cattle Egret Breydon Water late mrng + 4 Snow Bunting NR31 9QB TG464048 Norfolk Rough-legged Buzzard Haddiscoe Island mid mrng TG457011
Norfolk 17 Shorelark E/of Holkham Gap at 11:25 + 2 Long-tailed Duck
Norfolk Yellow-browed Warbler Snettisham at 10:51 near Ken Hill Wood TF650328
Norfolk 2 Cattle Egret Breydon Water in field with horses NR31 9QB TG464048
Norfolk Great White Egret Colney GPs but mobile Norfolk Short-eared Owl Holme Dunes NWT in field opposite pony field at 11:30
Norfolk 5 Short-eared Owl Haddiscoe Island at 15:30 + 4 Short-eared Owl at Haddiscoe Marshes TG457011
Norfolk 5 Hen Harrier Warham Greens late a/noon NR23 1QD TF943437
Norfolk Water Pipit Buckenham Marshes RSPB at 12:30 from hide then flew to flood NR13 4HW TG351056
Norfolk 3 Hen Harrier Warham Greens again late a'noon NR23 1QD TF943437
Norfolk Velvet Scoter Whitlingham CP still on great broad mid a'noon
Norfolk 86 Snow Bunting Blakeney Point + Purple Sandpiper NR25 7DJ TG007464
Norfolk Velvet Scoter flew W/past Sidestrand at 07:50 NR27 0LT TG265395
Norfolk Hen Harrier Titchwell RSPB at 13:56 PE31 8BB TF759436
Norfolk Water Pipit Cley next the Sea on Whitwell Scrape at 12:30 NR25 7SA TG049441
Norfolk Waxwing Winterton-on-Sea this mrng Norfolk 9 Waxwing Norwich + 10 Waxwing NR2 1AW TG228084
Norfolk Velvet Scoter Titchwell RSPB PE31 8BB TF759436
Norfolk Slavonian Grebe Ormesby Little Broad from viewing platform TG462139
Norfolk Slavonian Grebe Titchwell RSPB on the sea PE31 8BB TF759436
Norfolk 2 Waxwing Martham again at Flegg High School NR29 4DJ TG459202
Norfolk 2 Water Pipit Titchwell RSPB + AD Yellow-legged Gull from Island Hide & 2 Eurasian White-fronted Goose flew W/over v/c PE31 8BB TF759436