A flyby drake Long-tailed Duck and a Great Northern Diver on the sea were the highlights of an early morning seawatch. A Great White Egret was around the Broadwater and a pair of Stonechats were along the East bank and around the vicinity of the Obs building.
Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
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Norfolk Waxwing Cley again 2.55pm by A149 at Sea Lawn. Viewed from neighbouring garden
Norfolk Waxwing Sculthorpe Moor NR still 2.50pm at visitor centre car park
Norfolk Cattle Egret Welney WWT still
Norfolk Waxwing Sculthorpe Moor NR still 2.30pm at visitor centre car park
Norfolk Hen Harrier male 4mls ENE of King's Lynn again at Roydon Common NNR at 2.25pm
Norfolk 111.Russian White-fronted Geese Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Norfolk Waxwing Cley till 2.15pm by A149 at Sea Lawn then flew SSW
Norfolk 13.Common Cranes east of Thurne still in field at 1.45pm
Norfolk Black Redstart Snettisham still 2pm north of sailing club by chalet.51a
Norfolk Black Redstart male Winterton on beach just south of car park entrance at 1pm
Norfolk Waxwing Cley by A149 at Sea Lawn at 1.49pm
Norfolk Siberian Chiffchaff Titchwell RSPB still in trees by Island Hide at 1.28pm
Norfolk no sign of any Taiga Bean Geese Buckenham Marshes RSPB this a'noon
Norfolk 23.Bewick's Swans Ludham Airfield still TG.393.196
Norfolk 4.Tundra Bean Geese NNE of Stanhoe at Muckleton in field with 2,000+Pink-footed Geese
Norfolk Grey Phal y'day Cley flew west past beach car park in morning
Norfolk 48.Snow Buntings Holkham Bay still east of Holkham Gap at roped-off area TF.899.460
Norfolk Hen Harrier male flew over Ormesby Little Broad at 12.20pm
Norfolk Waxwing Sculthorpe Moor NR again 12.15pm behind visitor centre
Norfolk Iceland Gull juv Cley NWT still 11.36am east of north end of East Bank on seal carcass on shingle
Norfolk 3.Taiga Bean Geese still 11.30am Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Norfolk Waxwing till 11.36am Sculthorpe Moor NR behind visitor centre then flew high NNW
Norfolk Water Pipit Welney WWT from Lyle Hide at 11.25am
Norfolk Waxwing Snettisham RSPB still 10.30am by car park
Norfolk 3.Waxwings reported Snettisham RSPB by car park
Norfolk Cattle Egret Holkham Freshmarsh still by Lady Anne's Drive
Norfolk Russian White-fronted Goose ad y'day Bayfield Hall at lake at 1pm with 350.Greylag Geese
Norfolk Waxwing still 11am Sculthorpe Moor NR behind visitor centre +showing well
Norfolk Waxwing Sculthorpe Moor NR behind visitor centre at 10.45am
Norfolk 2.Cattle Egrets north of Martham still near ferry in sheep field south of track. Use pay +display car park at Martham Boats TG.441.189
Norfolk Hen Harrier male Snettisham RSPB
Norfolk Iceland Gull juv Cley still 10.43am flew west past beach car park
Norfolk 2+Red-necked Grebe Holkham Bay again east of Holkham Gap +3+Velvet Scoters 2.Great Northern Divers
Norfolk 46.Snow Buntings Holkham Bay still east of Holkham Gap at roped-off area TF.899.460
Norfolk 5.Taiga Bean Geese still 9.43am Buckenham Marshes RSPB then flew north over railway
Norfolk Shag 1w Whitlingham Ctry Park still on Great Broad on pontoon at 9.43am
Norfolk Black Redstart Snettisham still 400yds south of sailing club by chalet.110. 50.Snow Buntings on beach
Norfolk Red-necked Grebe Rollesby Broad still by reeds at NW end at 9am
Norfolk 4+Taiga Bean Geese still Buckenham Marshes RSPB near railway viewed from wind pump at 9.03am
Norfolk Iceland Gull juv Cley still by beach car park at 8.35am tho mobile
Norfolk 137.Russian White-fronted Geese y'day Buckenham Marshes RSPB