A Little Gull was on Rowan's pool during the afternoon and a Grasshopper Warbler was reeling in the dunes.
Moths caught today were 4 White Ermines, a Small Elephant
Hawk, 3 Ferns, 2 Common Marbled Carpets, 2 Willow Beauties, 6 Cinnabars, a
Brimstone, 4 Vine’s Rustics, 4 Mottled Rustics, a Cyclamen Tortrix, a Small
Square Spot, Angle Shades, Pine Hawk, Privet Hawk, Setaceous Hebrew Character,
Flame Shoulder, Lyme Grass, and a Rustic Shoulder-knot.
Brown Argus and Small Heath were also recorded.
Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
For all this news, in the field as it happens, subscribe to Rare Bird Alert for as little as 14p per day
Norfolk Little Gull Hickling Broad NWT at Brendon's Marsh
Norfolk Spoonbill Welney WWT
Norfolk Little Gull 1s Salthouse still 1.53pm from Iron Road
Norfolk Garganey drk just east of Wells still midday at North Point Pools on east pool. Keep to public rights of way +don't enter from railway station TF.932.431
Norfolk 2.Caspian Gulls (both 1s) east of Weeting Heath NWT in pig field
Norfolk GREAT REED WARBLER singing still 1.15pm Snettisham Coastal Park by main path 1ml NNE of Beach Road 100yds north of kissing gate TF.657.351
Norfolk Garganey Welney WWT still
Norfolk Garganey drk Warham Greens on east side of path of car park
Norfolk Spoonbill Cley NWT on Pat's Pool from Bishop's Hide at 12.07pm
Norfolk 2.Little Gulls (both 1s) Salthouse from Iron Road
Norfolk BEE-EATER Hickling Broad NWT near visitor centre at c8.32am (heard only)
Norfolk Garganey drk Hickling Broad NWT still on Brendan's Marsh +8.Spoonbill Little Stint 3.Grey Plover Turnstone
Norfolk GREAT REED WARBLER singing still Snettisham Coastal Park by main path 1ml NNE of Beach Road 100yds north of kissing gate at 7.21am (+Spoonbill Little Gull still) TF.657.351
Norfolk Garganey drk just east of Wells still at North Point Pools on east pool at 6.59am. Keep to public rights of way +don't enter from railway station TF.932.431
Norfolk Glossy Ibis Hickling Broad NWT again on Brendan's Marsh at 6.06am
For all this news, in the field as it happens, subscribe to Rare Bird Alert for as little as 14p per day
Norfolk Little Gull Hickling Broad NWT at Brendon's Marsh
Norfolk Spoonbill Welney WWT
Norfolk Little Gull 1s Salthouse still 1.53pm from Iron Road
Norfolk Garganey drk just east of Wells still midday at North Point Pools on east pool. Keep to public rights of way +don't enter from railway station TF.932.431
Norfolk 2.Caspian Gulls (both 1s) east of Weeting Heath NWT in pig field
Norfolk GREAT REED WARBLER singing still 1.15pm Snettisham Coastal Park by main path 1ml NNE of Beach Road 100yds north of kissing gate TF.657.351
Norfolk Garganey Welney WWT still
Norfolk Garganey drk Warham Greens on east side of path of car park
Norfolk Spoonbill Cley NWT on Pat's Pool from Bishop's Hide at 12.07pm
Norfolk 2.Little Gulls (both 1s) Salthouse from Iron Road
Norfolk BEE-EATER Hickling Broad NWT near visitor centre at c8.32am (heard only)
Norfolk Garganey drk Hickling Broad NWT still on Brendan's Marsh +8.Spoonbill Little Stint 3.Grey Plover Turnstone
Norfolk GREAT REED WARBLER singing still Snettisham Coastal Park by main path 1ml NNE of Beach Road 100yds north of kissing gate at 7.21am (+Spoonbill Little Gull still) TF.657.351
Norfolk Garganey drk just east of Wells still at North Point Pools on east pool at 6.59am. Keep to public rights of way +don't enter from railway station TF.932.431
Norfolk Glossy Ibis Hickling Broad NWT again on Brendan's Marsh at 6.06am