Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
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Norfolk Hen Harrier male 4mls ENE of King's Lynn still at Roydon Common NNR at 3.18pm
Norfolk 2.Hen Harriers (1.male) Hickling Broad NWT 3pm at Stubb Mill
Norfolk Iceland Gull juv Cley NWT still 3.08pm on shingle north of Arnold's Marsh
Norfolk Cattle Egret along Gaywood River between Bawsey +Grimston Warren
Norfolk Hen Harrier male flew north past Grimston Warren at 9am
Norfolk Hen Harrier Hickling Broad NWT again at Stubb Mill at 2.15pm
Norfolk 70.Russian White-fronted Geese Holkham Freshmarsh still in field north of A149 viewed from metal gate at pull-in
Norfolk 9.Tundra Bean Geese still Welney WWT still on island from main observatory at 12.59pm
Norfolk released White-tailed Eagle 2w.male Holkham Park till 12.05pm over lake then flew west [from Isle of Wight reintroduction scheme]
Norfolk 6.Tundra Bean Geese Welney WWT still this morning
Norfolk 10.Snow Buntings Winterton Dunes
Norfolk Smew redhead still 12.25pm NW of Norwich at Taverham Mill NR on main fishing lake. £4 for non-members 10am-4pm Wed-Sat, 10am-3pm Sunday; view thru perimeter fence on south side TG.157.134
Norfolk 4.Shorelarks Holkham Bay still this a'noon 1/4ml west of Holkham Gap on beach near tree trunk
Norfolk released White-tailed Eagle 2w.male Holkham Park still at north end at 12.01pm [from Isle of Wight reintroduction scheme]
Norfolk Red-necked Grebe Rollesby Broad still
Norfolk 2.Purple Sands south of Waxham on groyne.20
Norfolk Smew redhead NW of Norwich at Taverham Mill NR on main fishing lake. £4 day ticket for non-members; view thru perimeter fence on south side TG.157.134
Norfolk 30.Snow Buntings Holkham Bay still east of Holkham Gap at roped-off area TF.899.460
Norfolk Little Stint still Snettisham RSPB on The Wash 100yds south of path split at 10.34am
Norfolk 45.Bewick's Swans between Sea Palling +Ingham still in field south of Palling Road at 10.25am TG.406.263
Norfolk Glaucous Gull juv still Waxham in ploughed field NW of Brograve Farm at 10.35am (+3.Common Cranes flew over)
Norfolk 4.Shorelarks Holkham Bay still west of Holkham Gap on beach just west of inlet then flew over dunes
Norfolk Glaucous Gull juv y'day Waxham in ploughed field NW of Brograve Farm (not Iceland Gull)
Norfolk Iceland Gull juv Cley NWT still on seal carcass north of Arnold's Marsh at 9.35am
Norfolk Hen Harrier ringtail Burnham Norton Marsh at 9.29am
Norfolk 2.Short-eared Owls y'day Ludham still at St.Benet's Abbey late a'noon +male Hen Harrie
Norfolk Short-eared Owl y'day Haddiscoe Island