Holme Bird Observatory (Header)

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Holme Bird Observatory Sunday 8th May 2022

A quiet day, except for the White-tailed Sea Eagle which flew past just after 11am. Other birds of note were a Red Kite, 2 Cuckoos, 5 Swallows, 2 House Martins, 2 Cetti's Warblers, 6 Chiffchaffs, 3 Blackcaps, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 4 Whitethroats, and a Yellow Wagtail.

Moths today included 3 Knot Grass, Waved Umber, 2 Northern Drabs, Chinese Character, 2 Green Carpet, 6 Cinnabars, 2 Yellow Belles, 6 Muslin, 2 Pine Beauty, Red Twin-spot Carpet, Least Black Arches, Angle-barred Pug, Flame Shoulder, 2 White Ermine, Nut-tree Tussock, 2 Buff Tips, Vine's Rustic, Hebrew Character, Treble Lines and Narrow-winged Pug.

Green Hairstreak, Orange Tip, Brimstone, Small Heath, Small Copper and many Wall Browns were on the wing.

Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
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Norfolk Caspian Gull 1w Cley NWT east of East Bank at 2.42pm
Norfolk 2.Temminck's Stints Cley NWT still 2.56pm on Pat's Pool from Teal Hide
Norfolk 3.Spoonbills Cley NWT this morning
Norfolk Spotted Redshank Snettisham RSPB flew along northern pits at 1.25pm. Spoonbill ad still from Rotary hide at 1.30pm
Norfolk 4.BLACK-WINGED STILTS (1+male) still this a'noon Hickling Broad NWT 1/2ml ESE of car park at Brendan's Marsh viewed from path to east (+2.Wood Sands still +drk.Garganey still +3.Common Cranes) TG.429.220
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE ad Blakeney Harbour still 1.55pm on saltmarsh just north of Blakeney Hotel with Dark-bellied Brent Geese
Norfolk 2.Spoonbills Cley NWT still
Norfolk 2.Spoonbills Burnham Overy Marsh from layby this a'noon
Norfolk 2.Garganey (1.drk) Winterton Dunes +6.Common Cranes
Norfolk 2.Dotterel (1.fem) still 12.30pm 1.25mls SW of Thornham south of Green Bank bridleway in field 1/2ml west of trig point. Park carefully TF.713.420
Norfolk 2.Temminck's Stints Cley NWT on Pat's Pool from Teal Hide at 1pm
Norfolk Little Gull 2s Snettisham RSPB flew past Shore Hide at 12.42pm
Norfolk no further sign of any Temminck's Stints just east of Wells at North Point Pools by 11.49am (but Wood Sand at east end +Spoonbill flew over). Keep to public rights of way +don't enter from railway station TF.932.431
Norfolk Temminck's Stint Salthouse by Iron Road on Swan Lake at 12.10pm
Norfolk released White-tailed Eagle imm Snettisham Coastal Park till 11.50am then flew west
Norfolk released White-tailed Eagle imm Snettisham Coastal Park circling at 11.47am
Norfolk released White-tailed Eagle imm Snettisham circling north of Ken Hill Marshes at 11.38am
Norfolk released White-tailed Eagle imm Hunstanton flew SW over Seagate car park at 11.26am
Norfolk released White-tailed Eagle imm Titchwell RSPB at 10.58am
Norfolk Spoonbill Cley NWT still on Pat's Pool at 10.47am
Norfolk released White-tailed Eagle imm Blakeney Point flew west over Far Point at 10.15am
Norfolk released White-tailed Eagle east of Wells flew north at 10.30am
Norfolk 3.Spoonbills flew NE over Titchwell RSPB at 9.45am
Norfolk 4.BLACK-WINGED STILTS (1+male) still 9.53am Hickling Broad NWT 1/2ml ESE of car park at Brendan's Marsh viewed from path to east (+Wood Sand still +2.drk.Garganey) TG.429.220
Norfolk 2.Temminck's Stints still 9.03am just east of Wells at North Point Pools. Keep to public rights of way +don't enter from railway station TF.932.431
Norfolk Temminck's Stint Titchwell RSPB still 8.18am on Freshmarsh from Parrinder Hide
Norfolk 2.Temminck's Stints just east of Wells at North Point Pools briefly. Keep to public rights of way +don't enter from railway station TF.932.431
Norfolk 4.BLACK-WINGED STILTS (1+male) still Hickling Broad NWT 1/2ml ESE of car park at Brendan's Marsh from track to Stubb Mill (+4.Wood Sands 1+Garganey) TG.429.220
Norfolk Spoonbill y'day 1ml ENE of Stiffkey at Stiffkey Fen. Use A149 layby, walk east +take path north along west side of River Stiffkey TF.986.438
Norfolk Wood Sand just east of Wells still at North Point Pools at 7.13am +Spoonbill. Keep to public rights of way +don't enter from railway station TF.932.431
Norfolk Purple Heron Horsey Mere flew over back at dawn (+13.Common Cranes)
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE ad Blakeney Harbour still on saltmarsh just north of Blakeney Hotel at 7.23am with Dark-bellied Brent Geese
Norfolk Wood Sand Cley NWT on south side of North Scrape at 7.10am then flew east
Norfolk 2.Dotterel (1.fem) still 1.25mls SW of Thornham south of Green Bank bridleway in field 1/2ml west of trig point at 7.17am. Park carefully TF.713.420
Norfolk Temminck's Stint Titchwell RSPB still on Freshmarsh from Parrinder Hide at 7.03am (+1s.Little Gull)
Norfolk Spotted Flycatcher Wymondham in cemetery