Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
Norfolk reported Marmora's Warbler possible
Salthouse is a Dartford Warbler
Norfolk possible Marmora's Warbler reported
Norfolk BEE-EATER Sheringham flew over garden
(probably west) at 12.58pm (heard only)
Norfolk GREAT REED WARBLER singing still 11.18am
Snettisham Coastal Park by main path 1ml NNE of Beach Road north of kissing
gate TF.657.351
Norfolk Spoonbill Welney WWT still from Friends
Norfolk 8.Spoonbills Snettisham Coastal Park still at
Ken Hill Marshes +Turtle Dove
Norfolk still no further sign of ad.male.Red-backed
Shrike Kelling Heath north of car park by 10am
Norfolk 4.Spoonbills Titchwell RSPB still +4.Little
Gulls still
Norfolk GREAT REED WARBLER singing still
Snettisham Coastal Park by main path 1ml NNE of Beach Road north of kissing
gate at 9am TF.657.351
Norfolk 2.BEE EATERS Cromer flew west offshore over
promenade at 7.54am
Norfolk Glossy Ibis Hickling Broad NWT still on
Brendan's Marsh at 7.30am (+8.Spoonbills)