The rather aptly named Red-necked Footman - Holme Bird Obs, June 2016
Norfolk News from Birdnet
> Norfolk 4 Spoonbill Breydon Water at E/end to 14:35 then flew off NR31 9QB TG464048
> Norfolk 4 Spoonbill Breydon Water at the E/end NR31 9QB TG464048
> Norfolk Curlew Sandpiper Titchwell RSPB on the freshmarsh + Green Sandpiper PE31 8BB TF759436
> Norfolk Curlew Sandpiper Titchwell RSPB on the Fresh Marsh this mng PE31 8BB TF759436
> Norfolk 5 Spotted Redshank Titchwell RSPB on the Fresh Marsh this mng PE31 8BB TF759436