Favourable winds, becoming increasingly stronger from the East, produced the hoped birds with a further two new Yellow-browed Warblers trapped plus the last one ringed yesterday re-trapped. The Great Grey Shrike was still near the paddocks, though seemingly only briefly early morning and a Richards Pipit was reported again early morning on the eastern edge of the grazing marsh. The highlight today though was the arrival of thrushes, mainly Song Thrush with birds seen arriving all day off the sea. At least one Ring Ouzel was also seen and at least fifteen Mistle Thrushes were counted. Other noteworthy birds included a Velvet Scoter, two Manx Shearwater, two Bonxies, Greenshank, Snow Bunting, Pied Flycatcher and Garden Warbler.
At least two Yellow-browed Warblers were present at Walsey Hills with Firecrest also heard in the willows. Song Thrushes and Redwings were very much in evidence and an exhausted Ring Ouzel dropped in to the willows early evening to roost.
Newly arrived Song Thrush, note the grey head! - Holme Bird Obs - October 2016
Redwing - Holme Bird Obs, October 2016