At Thornham near the harbour 7 Golden Plover, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 5 Ruff, a Spotted Redshank and a Jack Snipe were of note. Also of interest were 10 Black-tailed Godwits, 5 Snipe, a Great White Egret, 2 Med Gulls, 2 Cuckoos, 26 Swallows moving west, 8 Chiffchaffs, 2 Willow Warblers, 7 Blackcaps, 7 Lesser Whitethroats, 4 Whitethroats, 2 Grasshopper Warblers, 10 Sedge and 6 Reed Warblers, a Stonechat, 2 Wheatears, 10 Yellow Wagtails passing west, and a White Wagtail on the fresh marsh.
In the moth traps a Puss Moth stole the show, with 3 Small Waved Umber, a Streamer, a Powdered Quaker, 6 Muslin, a Ruby Tiger, 2 Flame Shoulders, 2 Nut-tree Tussocks, 2 Cinnabars, a Pine Beauty, a Red Chestnut and a Hebrew Character.
Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
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Norfolk 2.Ring Ouzels (1.male) Burnham Overy Dunes still
Norfolk Corncrake male singing Welney WWT still then flew across into scrub by old hide at 3.45pm
Norfolk Blue-headed Wagtail West Runton still 2.40pm in cattle paddocks with 25.Yellow Wagtails
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE ad Blakeney Harbour still 2.18pm on saltmarsh west of Blakeney Quay with 170.Dark-bellied Brent
Norfolk 3.Spoonbill Salthouse on Salthouse Marsh at 1.54pm
Norfolk Russian White-fronted Goose ad Hickling Broad NWT still this morning +2.Spoonbill flew west
Norfolk Blue-headed Wagtail West Runton in cattle paddocks with c30.Yellow Wagtails at 1.55pm
Norfolk 6.Ring Ouzels Roydon Common NNR still at 8am tho elusive +mobile
Norfolk Black Tern Welney WWT +Garganey still
Norfolk 2.Spoonbills flew west past Sidestrand this morning
Norfolk RIng Ouzel Dersingham Bog NNR flew west along path
Norfolk Ring Ouzel Salthouse still at Gramborough Hill mid-morning
Norfolk 3.Velvet Scoters Holkham Bay at 11.30am
Norfolk 2.Ring Ouzels (1.male) Morston in paddock with rubble TG.017.439
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE ad Blakeney Harbour still 10.30am on saltmarsh north of Blakeney Hotel with Dark-bellied Brent Geese
Norfolk 2.Arctic Terns Whitlingham Great Broad
Norfolk Garganey drk Hickling Broad NWT still on Brendan's Marsh at 9.43am
Norfolk Ring Ouzel fem Lynford Arboretum in cattle field at 9.26am tho distant
Norfolk Ring Ouzel West Runton still at Incleborough Hill at 6.04am tho distant
Norfolk Ring Ouzel fem Seething still at 8.30am
Norfolk no sign of Black-winged Stilt Hickling Broad NWT c250yds ESE of car park on Brendan's Marsh nor Purple Heron by 8.45am (+Wood Sand still) cTG.429.220
Norfolk Ring Ouzel male Morston in paddock with rubble at 8.28am TG.017.439
Norfolk RED-RUMPED SWALLOW Winterton flew south past bramble gap at 7.38am
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE ad Blakeney Harbour still on saltmarsh north of Blakeney Hotel at 6am with Dark-bellied Brent Geese
Norfolk 2.Ring Ouzels (1.male) Burnham Overy Dunes still
Norfolk Corncrake male singing Welney WWT still then flew across into scrub by old hide at 3.45pm
Norfolk Blue-headed Wagtail West Runton still 2.40pm in cattle paddocks with 25.Yellow Wagtails
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE ad Blakeney Harbour still 2.18pm on saltmarsh west of Blakeney Quay with 170.Dark-bellied Brent
Norfolk 3.Spoonbill Salthouse on Salthouse Marsh at 1.54pm
Norfolk Russian White-fronted Goose ad Hickling Broad NWT still this morning +2.Spoonbill flew west
Norfolk Blue-headed Wagtail West Runton in cattle paddocks with c30.Yellow Wagtails at 1.55pm
Norfolk 6.Ring Ouzels Roydon Common NNR still at 8am tho elusive +mobile
Norfolk Black Tern Welney WWT +Garganey still
Norfolk 2.Spoonbills flew west past Sidestrand this morning
Norfolk RIng Ouzel Dersingham Bog NNR flew west along path
Norfolk Ring Ouzel Salthouse still at Gramborough Hill mid-morning
Norfolk 3.Velvet Scoters Holkham Bay at 11.30am
Norfolk 2.Ring Ouzels (1.male) Morston in paddock with rubble TG.017.439
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE ad Blakeney Harbour still 10.30am on saltmarsh north of Blakeney Hotel with Dark-bellied Brent Geese
Norfolk 2.Arctic Terns Whitlingham Great Broad
Norfolk Garganey drk Hickling Broad NWT still on Brendan's Marsh at 9.43am
Norfolk Ring Ouzel fem Lynford Arboretum in cattle field at 9.26am tho distant
Norfolk Ring Ouzel West Runton still at Incleborough Hill at 6.04am tho distant
Norfolk Ring Ouzel fem Seething still at 8.30am
Norfolk no sign of Black-winged Stilt Hickling Broad NWT c250yds ESE of car park on Brendan's Marsh nor Purple Heron by 8.45am (+Wood Sand still) cTG.429.220
Norfolk Ring Ouzel male Morston in paddock with rubble at 8.28am TG.017.439
Norfolk RED-RUMPED SWALLOW Winterton flew south past bramble gap at 7.38am
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE ad Blakeney Harbour still on saltmarsh north of Blakeney Hotel at 6am with Dark-bellied Brent Geese